C.A.A.F. Consorzio Autotrasporti Artigiani Frigo
Via Anna Kuliscioff, 224
47522 CESENA (FC) Italy
Enrolled with the Employment Register in Forlì – Cesena no. 01528500406
Enrolled with the Register of Transporters on behalf of third parties FO395664F © 2015
We are here to help. Get in touch with us for a personalised quotation!
Switch board
Tel: +39 0547 419611
Fax: +39 0547 312058
Commercial Traffic Office:
Iosa Carlo
Tel: +39 0547 419616
Mobile 335 7276057
Email: traffico@caaftrasporti.it
Skype: carlo,iosa
Commercial Office:
Ghinami Paolo
Tel: +39 0547 419613
Cell. 334 6612973
Email: commerciale@caaftrasporti.it
Skype: paologhinami